It is often during times of divorce that we expose our children to the worst part of us. The content below was kindly supplied to us by Bronwyn Samuels, social worker in response to the request..please can you help us get some facts for our readers with reference to the avoidance of using children as pawns in an acrimonious break-up. …
A glimpse of possibility
PayFast SA one of our payment portals for donations, celebrated their 15th Birthday..our beneficiaries helped us to make this Happy Birthday video for also gives you a glimpse of what we are doing in Wolwerivier in the Western Cape! ,
Protection Order: Step by Step Guide
This incredibly comprehensive guide will give you all the information you need to know about Protection Orders. “Knowledge is Power” and when you are trying to navigate a system that sometimes seems impossible to understand and at the same time you are fearing for your life, or on an emotional roller coaster, it is useful to be as prepared as …
Domestic Abuse, Protection Orders and Exit Plans
For the legal definition of gender based violence and domestic abuse, how to go about obtaining a protection order as well as how to strategise an exit, Charlie Bezuidenhout-Hollingworth has put together another simple and extremely easy guideline that provides clarity and hope for a better tomorrow. Charlie grew up in a home with an abusive father and she has …
The Double-Bind
I have been thinking about how many of our African women are in business but don’t see it as such. The “Antie” doing catering for community events and making enough money to feed her extended family. The “Gogo” watching the kids after school for the neighbours and her own grand children, the seamstress who is the “go to” when beautiful …